The OHMazing® Way with Beth Reese, PhD

Beth Reese, PhD: Finding Love and Action on a Silent Retreat

Episode Summary

Why do you stay in prison When the door is wide open? ~Rumi What is a silent retreat? What do you actually do on a 7-day silent retreat other than, well, be silent? Join our host Beth Reese, PhD, as she shares her experience and insight into her first Insight (Vipassana) Silent Meditation Retreat and how she discovered the “prison door” to love and action was open all along. This Insight Silent Meditation Retreat was led by James Baraz, Konda Mason, Leslie Booker, Solwazi Johnson, Dawn Mauricio, La Sarmiento, and Sebene Selassie. Learn a bit about each leader and the golden nuggets of wisdom Beth gathered from each of them. Connect with Beth: Email: Web: Cell: +1 361 563 7448 Facebook: personal: Facebook: Yogiños: Yoga for Youth®: Instagram: yoginosyogaforyouth: Twitter: @yoginos: LinkedIn: Beth Reese, PhD

Episode Notes

Why do you stay in prison
When the door is wide open?

What is a silent retreat? What do you actually do on a 7-day silent retreat other than, well, be silent? Join our host Beth Reese, PhD, as she shares her experience and insight into her first Insight (Vipassana) Silent Meditation Retreat and how she discovered the “prison door” to love and action was open all along. Beth attended this retreat as part of her course work for the Mindful Meditation Teacher Certification Program led by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield that she’s participating in with over 1400 others from around the world.

This Insight Silent Meditation Retreat was led by James Baraz, Konda Mason, Leslie Booker, Solwazi Johnson, Dawn Mauricio, La Sarmiento, and Sebene Selassie. Learn a bit about each leader and the golden nuggets of wisdom Beth gathered from each of them.

Beth has a commitment to think clearly and be present in as many moments as possible in her daily life. On the retreat she noticed how various thoughts—pleasant, unpleasant, neutral—could take her out of the moment and into a rabbit hole of other thoughts or adventure down memory lane. While there’s nothing innately wrong with that, if Beth is committed to be present with a clear mind, she noticed she could use this process to help stay in the present. Beth calls it Mindful TIME:
T: Thought or Trance—can you notice them as they show up?
I: invite it to tea; you don’t have to to engage with the thought or trance, but don’t be rude
M: Mine the thought for where it is in your body, and for the emotion and message behind it
E: Experience what there is to experience about it, then Exhale it.

Connect with Beth:
Cell: +1 361 563 7448
Facebook: personal:
Facebook: Yogiños: Yoga for Youth®:
Instagram: yoginosyogaforyouth:
Twitter: @yoginos:
LinkedIn: Beth Reese, PhD